Hemp Food

Hemp seeds are an excellent source of high-protein nutrition and contain several essential vitamins and minerals, as well as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which have many heart benefits by helping reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Hemp protein is an abundant source of amino acids, providing all nine essential ones. Furthermore, hemp protein contains arginine that the body converts into nitric oxide for improved arterial and vein health.


Hemp seeds are an excellent source of complete protein, providing all nine essential amino acids. As such, hemp makes for a wonderful addition to a vegetarian diet. Furthermore, hemp provides omega-3 fatty acids at an acceptable ratio with respect to omega-6 fats.

Hemp proteins have been isolated and purified using various extraction systems. On SDS-PAGE analysis, the most abundant protein was Edestin (59 KDa). Other abundant proteins included Globulin and Albumin. [27].

Hemp seed oil contains polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acid linoleic acid in an ideal proportion for human consumption and omega-6 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid in healthy proportions for human use. Furthermore, hemp contains amino acid arginine that the body converts into nitric oxide to relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure while helping prevent high cholesterol. Hemp protein isolate has even been utilized in extruded products instead of soy or wheat proteins to improve texture and rheological properties of finished products while hemp protein isolate has also proven its value to improve texture and rheological properties for improved extrusion properties and extrusion properties of extrusion products by providing improved texture and rheological properties of finished products.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Hemp seeds contain both omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid (LA), with an LA:ALA ratio that’s considered optimal for human health.

Hemp seeds contain mostly triacylglycerols and only minimal free fatty acids; this is in stark contrast with fish oils which provide essential EPA and DHA, with higher percentages of free fatty acids present.

Not only are seeds rich in ALA and LA, they also contain rare gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which produces prostaglandin E1. GLA may help alleviate premenstrual symptoms like breast tenderness, irritability, water retention and pain.

Studies have also demonstrated that hemp seeds contain an amino acid called ALA, which increases levels of arginine which, when released into the body, turns into nitric oxide and dilates blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure and decreasing risks such as arrhythmias.


Hemp seeds are an excellent source of complete proteins, providing all nine essential amino acids. Their digestible protein also makes hemp seeds a wonderful addition to plant-based diets. Hemp seeds also contain healthy fats including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as the amino acid arginine.

Retting is typically used to extract hemp dietary fibre, and depending on the method applied (field retting, enzymatic retting using endo-polygalacturonase and pectin-lyase or SE combined with alkali hydrolysis), is highly efficient at extracting non-cellulosic components while yielding fibers rich in cellulose with good mechanical properties.

Methionine- and cysteine-rich hemp protein fractions possess great biological value and contribute to human nutrition by helping balance omega 3 to omega 6 polyunsaturates, especially vitamin E levels. Hemp seeds may help lower your cholesterol levels while improving cardiovascular health; reduce triglycerides and blood pressure levels; help lower clotting factors and thus help prevent heart disease.

Gamma-Linolenic Acid

Hemp seeds contain GLA, an omega-6 essential fatty acid. When consumed by humans, GLA is converted to arachidonic acid which then results in biologically active series 1 eicosanoids including prostaglandins that help regulate inflammation processes while research suggests they may also lower cancer risks.

Hemp seed oil boasts an ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids and boasts high concentrations of linolenic acid for conversion of alpha linolenic acid into omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, hemp is one of the richest sources for beta-sitosterol plant sterol that helps lower cholesterol.

Hemp protein isolate and concentrate can be used to manufacture an assortment of food products, ranging from meat analogues, through texturized vegetable proteins, and gluten-free flours for bakery items. Hemp has even been successfully integrated into extruded products like crisp breads and pasta! When combined with soy proteins it can boost quality gluten-free products while simultaneously creating meat analogues with higher protein contents.

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