Top 5 THC Infused Beverages

Be it to enhance a social gathering or simply relax on the couch, Five Spiz has you covered with their refreshing seltzer featuring THC and CBD at levels tailored to meet individual needs and tolerance levels.

THC produces psychoactive effects that produce feelings of euphoria, creativity and pain relief; while CBD does not create these same sensations directly but instead helps relieve anxiety and promote relaxation.

Crab & Crab Meat Wontons

Crab and cream cheese stuffed wontons are a delicious traditional appetizer found at many Asian restaurants, making for the ideal sharing option. Pair them with sweet and sour sauce, duck sauce or light soy sauce for optimal enjoyment!

For best results, work on one wrapper at a time (keeping others covered): moisten edges with some water before placing a teaspoon-size amount of filling at its center.

Lift two opposing corners over filling, then fold bottom half up towards top and seal. Do this for each of the remaining wrappers and fillings; once assembled they can be either deep fried or baked in an oven; they also freeze well if flash-frozen after assembly.

Cranberry & Apple Stuffing

Cranberries and apples add a sweet, fresh twist to this traditional Thanksgiving side dish. You can bake this stuffing either separately or stuff it directly inside the turkey; alternatively it can even be made ahead and reheated at the same temperature to make Thanksgiving day simpler!

This recipe uses sprouted bread, ghee or olive oil in place of butter, and fresh herbs to create an irresistibly flavorful dish. Soaking dried cranberries in broth adds extra tartness for an additional bite!

Cranberries have long been recognized for their ability to help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs), by making urine more acidic and therefore less likely to harbor bacteria. Apples, on the other hand, can protect against stomach ulcers by inhibiting Helicobacter pylori growth within the gut.

Ahi Tuna with Sesame & Sunflower Oil

Ahi tuna is an ideal seafood choice for summer recipes with light sauces. Packed full of omega-3 fatty acids to aid inflammation reduction and support heart health, this fish also boasts high potassium content to balance out any potential negative side effects from sodium in its composition.

This recipe is straightforward to create and pairs well with many dishes containing vegetables; salad, Asian Cucumber & Jicama Slaw or 5-Minute Spicy Stir-Fried Cabbage would all make delicious options.

Mix black and white sesame seeds in a bowl until evenly dispersed; use this mixture to cover each tuna steak thoroughly. Heat medium high oil in a large skillet; when hot, place coated ahi steaks onto it to cook until they turn browned.

Gnocchi with Cannabutter

Gnocchi are pillowy dough dumplings that are simple to create and delicious when served with rich brown butter and aromatic herbs like sage.

Cannabis-infused butter is an indispensable addition to all kinds of dishes, from baked goods to savory meals. It provides edibles with a velvety texture while increasing potency by improving digestion and lengthening effects.

Bring salted water to a boil in a large stockpot; gently add gnocchi and gently stir once before leaving them to rise to the surface, approximately 5 minutes. Drain and rinse. Meanwhile, melt cannabutter in a skillet with some chopped sage leaves, garlic cloves, salt and pepper for 1 minute to soften them further before adding cannabutter-coated leaves into it for additional flavouring.

Smoked Trout with Almonds

Trout is an excellent source of protein to build and maintain muscles, as well as being packed full of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids that may reduce inflammation and help improve brain health. Therefore, trout should be included as part of any healthful eating plan for maximum benefit.

Toast almonds in a dry skillet over medium heat until lightly browned, flipping occasionally to ensure even browning (the difference between perfectly golden and burnt can be subtle). Add salad greens, mint leaves, scallion whites, lemon zest and salt as desired to complete this delicious salad dish.

Serve trout topped with an irresistibly butter almond sauce as the ideal weeknight dinner or party appetizer.

Kief Quiche

Kief has become a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts due to its increased potency and versatility. Kief can be sprinkled onto cannabis buds for a more flavorful and potency smoke experience, or added into edibles for an enhanced experience.

Kief can be effectively utilized by lightly sprinkling it over your preferred strain of cannabis bud or concentrate, such as shatter. Kief also makes for an efficient addition when added directly into pre-rolled joints.

Homemakers creating edibles at home must decarboxylate (apply heat for an extended period) their kief in order to convert acidic cannabinoid acids, like CBDA and THCA into psychoactive versions like THC and CBD. Simply place it in an oven-safe dish lined with parchment paper in the oven, where decarbing may take as little as 12 hours!

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